Science Based Stress Management
Are You Ready to 
Regulate Your
Nervous system
Work in a Dr. led group to discover & fix the blind spots holding you back from successful relationships, high-performance in your work life and the most incredible version of the life you're meant for! 
Whether it’s a relationship, your career, or just getting things done in your daily life; This group will give you community and support to break bad habits and build new sustainable, and long-term systems and live life more in the “zone”, with less burnout, more emotional availability and total control.
What's in the in the Wired For Worthy Membership?

There's Power in Community

When you join a genuine group of humans that aren't here to judge you or shame you into change... but, are simply here to hold space for your expression. Something magical happens. People see you as you wish to be seen.  It's something I call "perfectly imperfect progress." 
When you spend time with a community of this caliber...change is a promise. 
Below is just an ice cream shop sampling of what you'll get:
🧐 A Dr. In Your Pocket: with private direct messaging you can connect with Dr. Chris to ask specific questions and get customized feedback. 
(this alone is TOTAL life-changing gold)
✅Consulting Cost with Dr. Chris: $10,000

🧠 Neuroscience Based Content: Our library of content already has 40 hours worth of courses and workshops. 
✅ Workshops and Content: $1600

🚀 Guided Meditation: Intentionally created mindfulness exercise build with your needs in mind for deeper sessions, and integration built in.
✅ Somatic Integration Workshops: $500

​🥳 Weekly LIVE Q&A: Every Thursday we are together as a community sharing and connecting on what is real. 
✅ 1 on 1 Session Cost: $750/Hr

☕️ ​Product Reviews: it seems as every day there is a new tech, supplement or strategy, in this group we can discuss these products and help you learn what is best for you.
✅ Discounts Included Upwards of 20%

⏰ ​Early Access To Events: I frequently do live events which quickly sell out, being a part of this community puts you at the front of the line. 
✅ Early Bird Discounts 10%

📚 Weekly Book Club: Join us in a group discussion bi-weekly as we read some of the best self-development books out there.
✅ Valued: $1100

NOT A FACEBOOK GROUP: Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza and conscious communities don't belong on Facebook. We built our own app for you.
✅ You can't put a price on this... no one wants another FB Group

Join Today! 1 Week Free Trial

Measurable Changes That You Can Track...
the proof is in the science
I practice what I preach, I want to show you that besides the potato farms, police officers, teachers and the occasional 3 year old I also do this work everyday on myself. 
What you're looking at is a short video of me quickly stressing my system by holding my breath and honestly just living. 
Then down regulating my system.
 You'll notice that the Alpha & Theta waves begin to climb, activating a parasympathetic tone. 
While the green wave, Beta, slowly decreases which is my stressful sympathetic brain.

I am not special in my ability to do this, I can hook this system up to just about anyone and guide them into a similar pattern of self regulation. The reason we use biometrics instead of snap shot brain waves is because it shows LONG TERM CHANGES. It shows lifestyle behavioral changes. 

change you can measure...
Facts and Statistical Evidence of Change
The newest edition of Neurobiology of Behavior introduces "Biology Drives Nearly All Our Behavior".

 What you're looking at below are biological upgrades people have created to their bodies. From increasing quality of sleep, to learning to manage stress better.

These numbers all started in the red (stressed) when we began to where they are now, green and regulated. 
"It seemed unbelievable at first, I thought there was no way someone could help show me and teach me to ID my my depressive episodes, yet here I am. Almost 1 year into my time and not only has my depression slowly faded away, on the days it does show I have a full tool box to help process, integrate and transform it. Dr. Chris introduced me to myself, and taught me to think, feel and act for myself." - T.M 
Trust the Process
- T.M
"I'm the classic Type A over achiever and when I discovered biohacking and neuro-hacking I jumped in with both feet. The problem was there was so much information, millions of YouTube (tm) videos, podcast, articles. Should I be a vegan, paleo, butter in my coffee? I didn't know.
 Dr. Chris was one of the only people who empowered me with unbiased research but took a step further to ask me what my values were and if these lifestyle changes would empower those values. That small shift saved me hundreds of hours of research, YouTube (tm) watching and book reading."
My Time and Life Back: 
- Joyful Joel 
"I've been to all the seminars, met the gurus and no one, not even those at the very top would, put their work on the with biometric evidence. I was sold at that moment and his systems have proven effective, the proof is there to see. I'm mentally resilient, and even my wife says I'm more emotionally available something we both thought was impossible. Forever grateful."
Skeptical at Best:
- B.W
"Once in a while someone comes and really F*cks up an industry. This dude literally is using your own data points to show you mental and mindset availability. I'm a candler burner, light it at both ends with a blow torch, I go until I'm on fire then implode for about 2 weeks until I recover. NO MORE. Now I can see when I'm literally working much or too hard, he's helped grow my business 300% by simply preventing my burnouts. " 
The Game is Changed Forever
- H.W
* Names Were Changed For Privacy 
Meet Dr. Chris Lee,

The  Wired for Worthy "Dr. In Your Pocket"

Dr. Chris Lee is founder and CEO of Elemental Shift Consulting, a neuroscience based consulting company educating on brain based creativity, motivation, productivity and research based strategy for a healthier mindset.

Dr. Chris has consulted with 8 figure stock brokers on Wall Street to technology companies in California on using custom biometric and neurofeedback data to build more resilient companies from the inside out. He has proudly served over 1,500 individuals and is currently working to get his neuroscience backed mindfulness technique into the United States prison systems.

Dr. Chris uses the latest research and personal case studies to personalize specific brain training strategies based on each individual's needs so they can become anti-fragile to external changes and activate more neurologically sound problem solving abilities and will. 

Extremely proud father to his extraordinary Daughter Phoenix who is the  greatest thing that has ever been gifted into his life.

What Dr. Chris Wants You to Know: 

You ARE capable of a BETTER LIFE

I help people get out of their own way by processing and transforming their old belief systems and biology by rewiring their brains for an unapologetic expression of their bad ass-ness.

Let's talk about what it's like to be a real human, we all stumble and fail. 

The process of being human means embracing that we have fingers, toes...and also, all the feels.

I help people understand why they think, feel and behave the way they do then help them break those patterns.

In this group we're going to optimize the health using, proven, research backed systems, and habits. 

We'll also learn to process trauma, the safe way. In today's time, all of us have faced some level of it and it's essential to process and start to recover from it.

The numbers don't lie and I play the averages: 

90% of books and programs to help you change your life are never opened and less than 5% are ever finished. 

This community is created to support you, to keep you accountable.

The old adage "if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together"

Let's Have More Good Days

*** I'd be lying to say it's all sunshine and rainbows, it's not. I still order large pizza at 10pm sometimes and sit in the shower listening to Nickelback. It's the process of being a human.


When you learn to shift your state and regulate your nervous system you open up brain space for new growth. This program teaches you how to heal the past, create the future and remain present. 

Learn from the Experts

I'm honored to have connected with over 1,500 leaders across the globe teaching this information. I've been to Fortune 500 Companies to schools. If you want to go further, faster, take someone who's been there before. 

New Content Monthly

New research is coming out every day, in the age of information we are drowning in information but lack wisdom. The new information I provide not only is focused on education but utility so you can take action steps to change your life
Get ready to amplify your life.
This Free Trial Wont Be Offered Forever.

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Copyright 2021 Dr Chris Lee